We encourage resource circularity


The Armando Alvarez Group was applauded by the UN Global Compact as an example of good practises regarding climate change and circular economy in its 2022 Communication on Progress report

28/02/2023|Corporate, Sustainability|

The Armando Alvarez Group was applauded by the UN Global Compact as an example of good practises regarding climate change and circular economy in its 2022 Communication on Progress report, which every year presents the sustainability progress reported by participating Spanish companies.

The Plastic Museum continues reaping success, earning two silvers at the ANA International ECHO Awards 2022

13/05/2022|Corporate, Sustainability|

As every year, the Association of National Advertisers of the United States (ANA) organised the International ECHO Awards, for the world's best marketing campaigns. In this 92nd edition a jury, comprised of over 300 marketing directors from around the world, awarded two Silvers to The Plastic Museum in the Experiential and Branded Content categories.

The Plastic Museum is awarded at the OCARE awards

11/05/2022|Corporate, Sustainability|

On April 1st The Plastic Museum was recognised as having the Best CSR Communication Campaign aimed at civil society, at the Awards organised by the Observatory of Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility (Observatorio de la Comunicación de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, OCARE). Around one hundred major corporations participated in this 11th edition of the awards, and only 10 of them received awards.

The Armando Alvarez Group will be presenting new solutions for the container and packaging sector at Hispack 2022

05/05/2022|Corporate, Sustainability, Trade fairs|

The major national packaging fair, Hispack, will be returning in 2022, from May 24th to the 27th in Barcelona to present the latest elements that the container and packaging market offer for industrial and consumer sectors, as well as distribution and retail. The Armando Alvarez Group will be participating at Stand 186, Hall 2 (Venue Gran Vía de Fira Barcelona).

The Armando Alvarez Group participates in the European Agricultural Film Conference, organised by AMI

19/04/2022|Corporate, Sustainability|

Once again, the Armando Alvarez Group participated in the European Agricultural Film Conference 2022, organised by AMI (Applied Market Information, Ltd). This time, Andrés García de Tuñón, representing the Group’s Corporate Sustainability area, participated on March 29th in the round table on the “Analysis of the co-existence of the focus on sustainability and technological innovation: a search for solutions to mutually benefit developments in these key areas”.

The Armando Alvarez Group joins the national project to create a EPR Collective system to manage its industrial and commercial packaging

29/03/2022|Corporate, Sustainability|

Companies in the plastics, chemical and rubber sectors, among these the Armando Alvarez Group, have come together to organise a Collective System for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)  in Spain to comply with the obligation established in the draft Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging waste, which contemplates Extended Producer Responsibility in the management of their industrial and commercial packaging.

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