We encourage resource circularity



Plásticos Vanguardia, an Armando Alvarez Group company, has a new website


With almost 60 years of history, Plásticos Vanguardia is one of the benchmark companies in the container sector in Spain, although it also operates in other markets. The new website aims to make the company more accessible to users by providing detailed information on each activity sector as well as to offer a better experience and to improve communication with users.

The Armando Alvarez Group joins the national project to create a EPR Collective system to manage its industrial and commercial packaging

29/03/2022|Corporate, Sustainability|

Companies in the plastics, chemical and rubber sectors, among these the Armando Alvarez Group, have come together to organise a Collective System for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)  in Spain to comply with the obligation established in the draft Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging waste, which contemplates Extended Producer Responsibility in the management of their industrial and commercial packaging.

Welcome to our new corporate website


We invite you to see how we work, discover our solutions, the companies comprised in our group and what our sustainability plan entails to reach our ambitious goals set for 2030.


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