New magazine !

We are very proud to present you the new magazine of Armando Alvarez Group ROJOAZUL, with which you will be able to keep up to date with all the news of the Group and the different sectors in which we work. In it you will find interviews, ECOsolutions, ECOinitiatives, news and much more.

We hope you like it!


Special Packaging and Containers

Role that plastic is playing in containers and packaging, the main challenges, including new European regulations, and the strategies that are currently being implemented to introduce increasingly sustainable practises.

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Packaging Special

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for more sustainable packaging solutions. In this edition we invite you to learn about the latest trends and innovations for the primary, secondary and tertiary packaging market.

In addition, Ignacio Canales, General Sales Director of the Armando Alvarez Group, talks to us about how the plastic tax came into force in Spain on 1 January.

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Agriculture Special

Animal feeding in livestock production is key. Animal nutrition expert Maruzaan Booyse explains why silage is the most important element in a ruminant’s diet and the steps involved in making good forage.

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Packaging and Containers Special

Do you know which is the material most present in our lives? Discover how plastic has revolutionised our lives and how we, at Armando Alvarez Group, R-evolutionize plastic, offering sustainable solutions based on a circular economy model. Don’t wait any longer and read the Armando Alvarez Group magazine now!

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Do you need to make your products more sustainable?


We promote plastic circularity. Find out about our sustainable solutions.

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