Protected agriculture is becoming the best option to shield crops from external threats and adverse weather events while significantly optimizing crop performance. These benefits result is an increase in the return on investment for horticultural projects.
At the Armando Alvarez Group we accompany our growers in the field and we have the technology and experience necessary to help you make the most profit from your growing operations.
The development of all of our materials begins in the greenhouse and continues in our research and development department. We have been providing service to farmers in over 105 countries for over 60 years.

Growing produce under the cover of a greenhouse is a very common practice around the world. However, to properly choose the right plastic cover, it is essential to perform a detailed assessment of the special features of each agricultural project. Key factors to success include location, crop type and cycle, structure design and level of technology, etc.
Films fine-tuned according to the climate zone, the crop and its cycle.
Extremely resistant to adverse weather events (wind, hail, temperature variations…).
A wide range of additives that enhance the film’s performance (drip-control, anti-fog, anti-algae, etc.).
Helps to control pests and diseases.
Pesticide resistant.
Thermal effect (IR), reduces heat loss and contributes to energy savings.
Enhances light transmission, especially the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR).
It adjusts the proper diffusion to obtain early crops, better quality and higher production.
- Increases the night-time minimum temperature.
- Maximum transmission of visible light and PAR.
- Reduces sudden temperature changes.
- Resistance to pesticides.
- Saves on energy costs.
- Reduced rate of disease.
- Low investment cost.
- Option to integrate drip-control to prevent moisture dripping on the plant.
- High resistance to wind and solar radiation.
- Ideal for opening and closing mechanisms.
- High resistance to chemicals.
- Ideal to install on doors and windows.
- Easy handling.
- High mechanical resistance.
- Translucent, prevents shadows.
- Versatile, universal sizes.
- 10-year life expectancy.
- Does not oxidize.
- Leakproof.
- Does not require maintenance.
- Easy to install.
- High resistance.
- Soft to the touch.
- Variety of colors.
- Biodegradable version.
- Proven guarantee.
- Available in flat and twisted
- Different formats.
- Ideal when using clips, hangers and horizontal growing.
- Protects the crop from insects.
- Allows air exchange between the inside and outside of the greenhouse.
- Protects from hail.
- Shade meshes to reduce excessive solar radiation.
- Permanent stock of the most common sizes.

Flower production is increasing year after year around the world. The technology employed in the films designed for floriculture depend on the type of plant or on the type of cut flower.
The films designed for this purpose are highly technologically developed, mainly in their optical properties, which are essential in the evaluation of the end product. Plastics are also decisive in other variables that affect the end quality of the flower/plant.
Increased production and yield.
Thermal plastics that maintain the right temperature range to improve flower quality.
Excellent protection from adverse weather (rain, freezes, excess solar radiation…).
Color preservation.
- UV-open, allows and intensifies color fixation.
- UV-closed, prevents petal edges from blackening and reduces diseases.
Increases the number of stems per square meter, and therefore, total productivity.
Increases bud diameter.
- Increases the night-time minimum temperature.
- Maximum transmission of visible light and PAR.
- Reduces sudden temperature changes.
- Resistance to pesticides.
- Saves on energy costs.
- Reduced rate of disease.
- Low investment cost.
- Option to integrate drip-control to prevent moisture dripping on the plant.
- High resistance to wind and solar radiation.
- Ideal for opening and closing mechanisms.
- High resistance to chemicals.
- Ideal to install on doors and windows.
- Easy handling.
- High mechanical resistance.
- Translucent, prevents shadows.
- Versatile, universal sizes.
- 10-year life expectancy.
- Does not oxidize.
- Leakproof.
- Does not require maintenance.
- Easy to install.
- Protects the crop from insects.
- Allows air exchange between the inside and outside of the greenhouse.
- Protects from hail.
- Shade meshes to reduce excessive solar radiation.
- Permanent stock of the most common sizes.

The distance between the plant and the plastic cover, as well as the structure that supports it, give the cover materials for berries their own identity.
Protected berry cropland has recently seen the highest increase in the last 10 years, and therefore, is one of the most competitive markets in fruit. This means that farmers have to study in depth all the parameters that affect production and, among these, the type of film used to cover the crops is one of the main contributing factors.
Improves fruit color (intensity and uniformity).
Protects the fruit from burning.
Helps to produce an early or delayed crop.
Better control of the micro-climate.
Protection from adverse weather.
Helps pollinators to see and work better.
More resistant, longer-lasting materials.
- Increases the night-time minimum temperature.
- Maximum transmission of visible light and PAR.
- Reduces sudden temperature changes.
- Resistance to pesticides.
- Saves on energy costs.
- Reduced rate of disease.
- Low investment cost.
- Option to integrate drip-control to prevent moisture dripping on the plant.
- High resistance to wind and solar radiation.
- Ideal for opening and closing mechanisms.
- High resistance to chemicals.
- Ideal to install on doors and windows.
- Easy handling.
- High resistance.
- Soft to the touch.
- Variety of colors.
- Biodegradable version.
- Proven guarantee.
- Available in flat and twisted
- Different formats.
- Ideal when using clips, hangers and horizontal growing.

Without a doubt this is the most important new element in protected crops, and the one with the most interesting future.
Traditionally, the only protection element regularly used for fruit trees was mesh, but recently, increasingly more fruit trees are being covered with films or with a combination of films and mesh.
The size of the trees to be covered, as well as the specific work entailed by each crop, influence the design and material of the protective structure, and these in turn, the final features of the film.
This is why these cover films are special, thanks to their influence on crop performance while at the same time to their resistance to adverse weather events.
Better ratio of marketable fruit.
Higher production (10-25%).
Possibility to advance or delay crop harvest.
Protection from rain, hail, wind, etc.
Plastic sheet designed to fit the structure.
Water conservation.
- Protects the crop from insects.
- Allows air exchange between the inside and outside of the greenhouse.
- Protects from hail.
- Shade meshes to reduce excessive solar radiation.
- Permanent stock of the most common sizes.

Cannabis / Hemp
One of the most important crops in terms of growth and popularity. The many benefits of some of the plant components have skyrocketed the growth of this industry worldwide.
As any industry that is continually growing, the variety of growing techniques is ample, but they all work towards the same goal, to optimize production.
Due to this variety of scenarios in each operation, it is essential to choose the optimal film type to cover your crop.
Guarantees resin production for its subsequent extraction and processing.
Increases cannabinoid content
Allows for an effective adaptation to drying and curing systems.
Protection from sudden temperature changes.
Reduces energy consumption, reducing the carbon footprint.
Wide variety of materials to obtain several crops per year.
- Increases the night-time minimum temperature.
- Maximum transmission of visible light and PAR.
- Reduces sudden temperature changes.
- Resistance to pesticides.
- Saves on energy costs.
- Reduced rate of disease.
- Low investment cost.
- Option to integrate drip-control to prevent moisture dripping on the plant.
- High resistance to wind and solar radiation.
- Ideal for opening and closing mechanisms.
- High resistance to chemicals.
- Ideal to install on doors and windows.
- Easy handling.
- High mechanical resistance.
- Translucent, prevents shadows.
- Versatile, universal sizes.
- 10-year life expectancy.
- Does not oxidize.
- Does not require maintenance.
- Easy to install.
- High resistance.
- Soft to the touch.
- Variety of colors.
- Biodegradable version.
- Proven guarantee.
- Available in flat and twisted
- Different formats.
- Ideal when using clips, hangers and horizontal growing.
- Protects the crop from insects.
- Allows air exchange between the inside and outside of the greenhouse.
- Protects from hail.
- Shade meshes to reduce excessive solar radiation.
- Permanent stock of the most common sizes.