Mulch films can be used for a wide variety of crops, under a greenhouse or in an open field, and under all weather conditions.
The development of mulch applications takes into consideration opacity, reflection, barriers (Totally Impermeable Films – TIF), as well as the latest technologies in BIO-degradation, to provide farmers with new solutions to obtain better yielding crops, while at the same time reducing production costs.

We offer a wide range of mulch products that can be specifically adapted to the needs of the crop and/or to the climate. Given that all of our mulches meet strict quality regulations, they guarantee the best performance for application in the field, both manually and mechanically.
BLACK: Totally opaque, it offers full protection against weeds and has a long life expectancy under extreme weather conditions.
NATURAL/CLEAR: Improves and speeds soil warming, guaranteeing early crops.
WHITE/BLACK: Our white/black mulch provides high performance and an early crop, thanks to the reflection from the white layer, that provides extra light, while also having a weed prevention effect, as the black layer prevents light from penetrating into the soil.
SILVER/BLACK: Our silver/black mulch prevents weed growth while at the same time it repels certain insects due to the reflective properties of the silver layer.
PHOTOSELECTIVE: Our photoselective mulches offer two main features. On the one hand, the photoselective additives included in the product allow penetration of the thermal radiation that warms the ground, allowing its temperature to rise and enhancing root development. On the other hand, it has a weed prevention effect, as it prevents penetration of part of the visible light (which enables photosynthesis) and prevents weed growth.
We offer multiple perforation options, below are some of the most common ones, but you are welcome to ask us about your specific needs for customizable products.
The mulch can be marked for a more efficient distribution of the crop.

Soil Treatment
The purpose of this type of material is to increase the efficiency of soil disinfection, reducing the time it takes and improving the death-rate of pathogens, even at deeper levels of the soil.
We offer a wide range of mulches that are specially designed to treat the soil, from fumigation to solarization.
Totally Impermeable Film (TIF): Our technical mulch, totally impermeable film, is made for higher efficiency and sustainability in disinfection, guaranteeing full impermeability to gas leaks during application.
Solarization: Highly transparent, thermal and with drip-proof additives, used for natural disinfection, drastically reducing the presence of pathogens and diseases in the soil.
ASD biofumigation: Designed specifically for anaerobic soil disinfestation, our plastics offer excellent oxygen barrier properties, so that it will not interfere in the treatment.
There are multiple perforation options, below are some of the most common ones, but you are welcome to ask us about your specific needs.

Film with pockets
Removable mulches that include pockets, allowing anchoring of the film to the ground without having to bury the ends, which makes it an ally in those field processes that require moving the sheet without affecting crop development. It is especially recommended for asparagus crops and long-term crops such as fruit trees, in addition to other applications.

Asparagus specialty film: we have developed a wide range of mulches to grow asparagus, using the latest technology of up to seven layers, which enables us to add an internal thermal sheet to a white and black film, thus fulfilling the m+ quality guarantee.
- Green asparagus: especially designed for growing green asparagus, our mulch offers mechanical properties suited to this crop, allowing the plant to properly grow through the film, guaranteeing the prevention of weeds and promoting a more organic crop.
- White asparagus: our films designed for growing white asparagus combine the latest 7-layer technology with the best mechanical properties, guaranteeing crop quality and long-lasting film.

This film with pockets protects crops and the ground from weather conditions, preventing drying and deterioration of fruit quality, sweeping of fertilizing elements and cooling of the soil.

Low Tunels
These are very simple structures that create the same effects on crops as a greenhouse but on a smaller scale. We offer a complete range of films to cover small and medium tunnels, made with multi-layer technology that improves agronomic properties and durability.
As they are small, their thermal inertia is very low, warming up quickly during the day and allowing the heat to dissipate quickly at night.
They are available in different diffusions depending on the characteristics of each geographical area and they may include various additives such as drip-control, anti-fog and anti-dust. They can also be manufactured with 12-, 10- or 5-mm perforations.
There are multiple perforation options, below are some of the most common ones, but you are welcome to ask us about your specific needs

Our multi-perforated clear film is also available in large, multi-row widths, which generate a windbreak effect and act as a physical barrier against weather elements such as hail. They also help in photosynthesis, thanks to the high rate of light transmission compared to traditional covers.
We offer profitable protection from low temperatures, as it is an excellent material for tubers, brassica, sweet corn, strawberries, etc.
Include perforation schematics

Our commitment to sustainable agriculture, respect for the environment and reducing operating costs for farmers around the world has contributed to the development of mulch sheets that degrade by organic decomposition (BIO). They are non-contaminating, and they are very efficient for crops.

This consists of providing water to those crops whose water requirements have not been met naturally. 70% of the fresh water that is consumed in the world is used for irrigation for agricultural purposes, and the FAO estimates that demand will increase by 14% by 2030.