The Armando Alvarez Group is active in the forestry industry through two of its companies, carrying out diverse activities within a common framework of sustainable management, contributing to the recovery and preservation of the environment.
For over half a century Alvarez Forestal has been dedicated to 100% sustainable management of Forest Land, creating, caring for and using over 3000 hectares of their own and third-party owned land, thus working towards a sustainable circular bioeconomy.
Alvarez Maderas y Envases is dedicated to importing, processing and marketing wood products from multiple sources. A series of certifications guarantee their commitment to the environment, as they market products originating from sustainably-managed forests.

Forest management
Comprehensive and personalized solutions for each client in all stages of the forest cycle: preparation and reinstatement of land abandoned by other activities, planting, maintenance and management of the plantation, use of wood and its by-products (forest biomass) and recovery of the forest cover to begin the cycle again.
We work under environmental responsibility criteria, positively affecting the environment with our activities: preserving biodiversity, preventing wildfires, fighting against erosion, improving the water cycle, contributing to reducing climate change by absorbing metric tons of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere…

Marketing wood and forest by products
Sales and supply of wood for the pulp/paper industry (mainly to manufacture cellulose paste used for paper, the health sector, food sector, even textile fibers) and sawmills.
Under a zero-waste model, the forest by-products that cannot be used to these purposes are collected and removed from the mountain, and are then used, instead of fossil fuels, to generate renewable energy at Biomasa de Cantabria, another company of the Armando Alvarez Group.

Import, processing and marketing of wood products
Professional solutions for wood and wood products for construction and decoration (sawn wood, beams, flooring, panels, baseboards, molding, etc.) and industrial joinery (manufacture of spools for cables and other packaging).
We also have a large area for exhibition and sales of DIY materials: doors, kitchens, flooring, cabinets and wardrobes, etc. for both professionals and individuals.
As part of our commitment to the environment, we promote the marketing of products that come from sustainably-managed forests.